29 June 2010

"How" Series

My last blog got me thinking about how we apply makeup and skin and hair care products. I think a lot of the time we're so focused on what prodcuts we're buying, that we overlook how to use them. I'm not suggesting the "what" doesn't matter; it does. There are products out there that don't work for everyone and there are some that just aren't good quality. However, at times I think we're too quick to judge a product and say it isn't good before really giving it a chance, so I'm going to make a "how series" where I describe different ways of apply different products. Obviously, I haven't tried every way possible to apply products, but I'll go over what I've done and what works and what doesn't work. If you have any tips or tricks for appling makeup, etc, respond in the comments--I would love to know what you guys do!


1 comment:

  1. hey I am a new follower! you have a lot of fun posts! i am a fellow beauty blogger
